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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

At Last - the Eagle FishMark 320 - a Foolproof Method for Finding Fish Every Time

Looking for a reliable fishfinder? Then check out the features that you get in the FishMark 320. This great quality finder will bring in the fish you are searching for and deliver a foolproof method for catching them every time. The sonar on board is perfect and is one that you will be impressed with.

Just imagine sitting on deck on a beautiful sunny day, not having to guess where the fish are - your FishMark 320 will pinpoint where they are, and when to cast.

The FishMark 320 has many features to mention here.

The 320 has a five inch diagonal screen with high definition 320x320 LCD resolution. It has 16 level grayscale and a backlit screen and keypad. So, what does all of that do? It gives you a great sized screen (perfect for viewing) that is clear and crisp in the images that it displays. You can see the details and therefore know what you have to deal with.

But, what shows up on that screen is what really matters. And, the FishMark 320 has what you need it to. It has depth capability of 800 feet which is perfect for the average lake. It has a 60 degree angle of detection so that means you'll get what is below your boat and what is next to it. You also get other features that you will love including the FishReveal technology which shows your target even if it is hiding under clutter which we all know is down there. It features HyperScroll so that you can get a reliable reading even when your boat is hitting high speeds, great for finding schools of fish when you are in a hurry. You also get GRAYLINE which will help to differentiate between the fish and the bottom or structures. Fish ID and Fish Track help you to locate and track the fish that you want to catch.

Don't worry about not finding the right one or losing it if you turn your head. Ever have a fish hide on you? It won't be easily to hide with this technology! All in all, the Eagle FishMark 320 is the perfect companion on board your boat this fishing season!

"WE DON'T know what we are talking about" - Nobel Laureate David Gross

Last December ('05), physicists held the 23rd Solvay Conference in Brussels, Belgium. Amongst the many topics covered in the conference was the subject matter of string theory. This theory combines the apparently irreconcilable domains of quantum physics and relativity. David Gross a Nobel Laureate made some startling statements about the state of physics including: "We don't know what we are talking about" whilst referring to string theory as well as "The state of physics today is like it was when we were mystified by radioactivity."

The Nobel Laureate is a heavyweight in this field having earned a prize for work on the strong nuclear force and he indicated that what is happening today is very similar to what happened at the 1911 Solvay meeting. Back then, radioactivity had recently been discovered and mass energy conservation was under assault because of its discovery. Quantum theory would be needed to solve these problems. Gross further commented that in 1911 "They were missing something absolutely fundamental," as well ar "we are missing perhaps something as profound as they were back then."

Coming from a scientist with establishment credentials this is a damning statement about the state of current theoretical models and most notably string theory. This theoretical model is a means by which physicists replace the more commonly known particles of particle physics with one dimensional objects which are known as strings. These bizarre objects were first detected in 1968 through the insight and work of Gabriele Veneziano who was trying to comprehend the strong nuclear force.

Whilst meditating on the strong nuclear force Veneziano detected a similarity between the Euler Beta Function, named for the famed mathematician Leonhard Euler, and the strong force. Applying the aforementioned Beta Function to the strong force he was able to validate a direct correlation between the two. Interestingly enough, no one knew why Euler's Beta worked so well in mapping the strong nuclear force data. A proposed solution to this dilemma would follow a few years later.

Almost two years later (1970), the scientists Nambu, Nielsen and Susskind provided a mathematical description which described the physical phenomena of why Euler's Beta served as a graphical outline for the strong nuclear force. By modeling the strong nuclear forces as one dimensional strings they were able to show why it all seemed to work so well. However, several troubling inconsistencies were immediately seen on the horizon. The new theory had attached to it many implications that were in direct violation of empirical analyses. In other words, routine experimentation did not back up the new theory.

Needless to say, physicists romantic fascination with string theory ended almost as fast as it had begun only to be resuscitated a few years later by another 'discovery.' The worker of the miraculous salvation of the sweet dreams of modern physicists was known as the graviton. This elementary particle allegedly communicates gravitational forces throughout the universe.

The graviton is of course a 'hypothetical' particle that appears in what are known as quantum gravity systems. Unfortunately, the graviton has never ever been detected; it is as previously indicated a 'mythical' particle that fills the mind of the theorist with dreams of golden Nobel Prizes and perhaps his or her name on the periodic table of elements.

But back to the historical record. In 1974, the scientists Schwarz, Scherk and Yoneya reexamined strings so that the textures or patterns of strings and their associated vibrational properties were connected to the aforementioned 'graviton.' As a result of these investigations was born what is now called 'bosonic string theory' which is the 'in vogue' version of this theory. Having both open and closed strings as well as many new important problems which gave rise to unforeseen instabilities.

These problematical instabilities leading to many new difficulties which render the previous thinking as confused as we were when we started this discussion. Of course this all started from undetectable gravitons which arise from other theories equally untenable and inexplicable and so on. Thus was born string theory which was hoped would provide a complete picture of the basic fundamental principles of the universe.

Scientists had believed that once the shortcomings of particle physics had been left behind by the adoption of the exotic string theory, that a grand unified theory of everything would be an easily ascertainable goal. However, what they could not anticipate is that the theory that they hoped would produce a theory of everything would leave them more confused and frustrated than they were before they departed from particle physics.

The end result of string theory is that we know less and less and are becoming more and more confused. Of course, the argument could be made that further investigations will yield more relevant data whereby we will tweak the model to an eventual perfecting of our understanding of it. Or perhaps 'We don't know what we are talking about.'

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Flounder Fishing Tips And Tricks

The tasty flounder is a great sport fish you can target in Rhode Island waters. Every day during the summer hundreds of boats are out there targeting this great fish. By following a few tips you can become a better flounder fisherman. Summer flounder are a funny-looking brownish fish with a totally white underside. They have two eyes on one side of their head and swim with the eyes upward, tending to cruise along the bottom, not moving to far away from it. They cruise about 1-3 feet off the bottom looking for something to eat, usually using the current from the tides to cover ground. Often they will spook some small life form as they approach, and a small puff of mud or motion is sent into the water which attracts the flounder to that area and he will pounce on the poor creature. This habit is the one we exploit when fishing for them.

Ok, so you want to find some flounder. Well, they aren't always in the same place. As the season progresses, you have to go deeper and deeper to find them. Sometimes they move east or west with the tide. They prefer sandy bottoms, so these are where you want to be and you always drift for them. Never spend more than 15 minutes on a drift when searching, that is the point many anglers don't understand, keep moving until you find a good drift where you catch 4 or more fish. Then keep doing that drift until it no longer produces well. Sometimes I may move 10 times before finding them. If the drift is slow, the flounder fishing will be slow. If the drift is too fast, either slow the boat down with a drift sock or sea anchor, or give it up.

Onward to rigs and methods. A typical flounder rig uses a 3-way swivel with sinker snap and a 30" leader with some kind of fluke rig attached. It can be as simple as a bare hook, or very elaborate with spinners, small squids and beads, etc. The sinker is important, as you need to have your rig on the bottom to catch these fish. The rig itself, well usually a simple green squid and a spinner blade works pretty well. Catching colors can change, and size of the spinner blade. But a bare hook doesn't always work that well. Of course, we always put bait on the hook. It might be squid, smelts, peanut bunker, or strips of flounder belly. Depends on what is working that day. Squid is usually a good bet to bring. Cut it into long strips and hook it a couple times before putting it down. Now, as for sinker weight, use the smallest sinker that will keep your rig on the bottom, so you can jig it. The rig should always be jigged, never let it drag on the bottom. A gentle jigging, lifting the rod tip no more than 12" and back down till you feel the sinker hit the bottom. Down below, what happens is your rig is moving as the boat moves along, and each time the sinker hits the bottom, it makes a noise and a puff of sand or mud. This noise and puff of mud attracts the attention of the flounder, and the bait on the hook tastes good. This is what brings them in.

Now, on to hooking the fish. The big mistake I see here is everyone wants to haul back quickly as soon as they feel a hit. This is a bad idea, as the flounder typically grabs the end of the bait away from the hook. So when you jerk the rod, it pulls the bait out of his mouth, or off the hook. The trick is to lift the rod tip slowly until he is hooked or lets go of the bait. Once he is hooked, then you can proceed with reeling him in. Use a light tip rod, a rod with a heavy tip makes it hard to feel the hits and hard to tell when you've hooked the fish. Put two anglers side-by-side, one with a heavy rod, and the other with a light rod. The angler with the light rod will out fish the one with the heavier rod every time, given the same level of skill.

If you want to catch big ones, put on a big bait and be patient.
So if you follow some of these points you'll be rewarded with more flounder in the boat.

Fly Fishing Heaven In Montana

You can find good spots for fly fishing in most states, but some are more epic than others. Allow me to introduce you to heaven on earth for anglers.

Fly Fishing Heaven In Montana

Montana is an incredibly beautiful state. It is located on the Canadian border between Wyoming and the Dakotas. It is the fourth largest state with over 145,000 square miles. The central and eastern sections of the state are plains, while the west contains the northern Rocky Mountains. Major rivers include the Yellowstone, Madison, Missouri and Flathead. Montana also has the shortest river in the world, the Roe, which is 201 feet long. Just a bit of trivia for you to throw around on your trip!

The Yellowstone is a tributary of the Missouri River. It is an excellent fly fishing river. The longest undimmed river in the continental United States, the Yellowstone drains the Rocky Mountains in the park of the same name. The river offers excellent trout fishing up and down practically every area. Cutthroat and brown trout are plentiful and active. Rainbows are less so, but still common. The Yellowstone is mostly a no-kill river, so don't plan on dinner. The Lamar, Soda Butte and Slough Creek tributaries are easily waded and not excessively challenging. Although it may get you in trouble with your mother, the Caddis Fly hatch on Mother's day is legendary.

When it comes to fly fishing in the states, no river is more legendary than the Madison. For years, nearly every Montana trip started and stopped with a visit to the Madison. In the early 90s, however, the fish in the river were devastated by whirling disease. The disease was accidentally created in fish hatcheries in Europe and spread across the globe. The criminal element is a parasite that infects fish and causes neurological disease. The fish tend to swim in circles, thus giving the disease its name. Fortunately, the fish in the Madison have been on the rebound for the last five years or so. The last three years have seen a major rebound, which means the legendary Madison should be a high on your list.

The Madison is a round rock bottom river and can be slippery. The current isn't excessive and you can wade most of it without problem. Browns, Cutthroats, Rainbows and Graylings are the prominent fish. The area below Holter Dam is highly recommended by many, but you need to be an accomplished caster to have a good time. Hatches start in April and run through the middle of September. The Salmon Fly hatch in late June is the best, but you really can't go wrong.

As the weather starts to warm up, it is time to start thinking about breaking out the rods and thinking about potential trips. Montana should be at the top of your list.

The Organized Writer's Six Rules

Are you trying to get organized so you have more time to write? Here are six rules guaranteed to make you more productive and more organized when you add them to your life.

1. Work with Yourself, Not Against Yourself

When you're trying to become more organized, it's tempting to try and fit into the existing organizing system of an "expert." They seem organized and they promise that if you try it, you'll be organized, too.

What's more effective is to understand your personality and what works for you. There are MANY solutions and you may have to experiment to find the system that best fits the way you work--your mind, your body and the way you think. And this might be a combination of ideas from many different experts.

Give something new a fair trial, but if after a month or so it feels awkward or counterintuitive, let it go and find something else!

2. Focus and Pay Attention

If you find that you always seem to be busy but that you never have anything to show for it, this could be the most important tip for you.

When possible, do one thing at a time. Don't let your mind or hands wander to another task. Picture the finished project in your mind, and focus only on that. Get in the "zone" – you're able to be so much more effective when you're giving your whole mind, thought and attention.

When we split our attention between different tasks ("multi-tasking"), most likely none of them will get done right, if at all. As well, you can find yourself in a perpetual state of having many "open projects" started but not completed. Each project moves forward just an inch at a time.

If you choose ONE, you can move it forward to completion much faster. To choose one, you need to estimate which project will give you the best results when it's finished. It sometimes takes an outside perspective and feedback to help you make that choice, and a coach is a great tool for this.

Putting aside other projects clears the clutter from your mind, attention, desk, workload and focus.

3. Invest Your Time

Just like we invest our money, we have to invest our time in the best way. Setting up your new organizing systems can be considered an investment.

Applying this tip can have the greatest impact on your level of organization. By investing your time at the beginning of a project to examine how you can complete it most efficiently, you can save yourself a lot of frustration later. Saving just 20 minutes each day gives you an extra 120 hours each year.

For example, set-up a mailing station with all of the supplies you'll need to ship out book orders. You can also set-up a schedule of weekly errands such as the bank and the post office. If you know you'll be heading out to the post office on Wednesday, then when an order comes in on Friday you don't need to stop what you're doing and prepare that order immediately. You know you have a different time set aside for shipping.

4. Make a Habit of It

Once you have these plans in place, work at making them a habit. You can create a new habit (or lose a bad one!) in 21 days. For only three weeks of effort, you can create a lifetime of good working habits.

As you are creating a habit, you'll need some kind of trigger to remind you to do it – alarms on your computer (i.e. Outlook or PDA), a "to do" list or a written schedule for the day with time blocked out for your specific tasks.

Start small with one new habit at a time, and then see if you can add more (pull back if it gets to be too much).

5. Use the Right Tools

Make sure you have the right tools handy when you need them.

From the low-tech (I only use retractable pens – the kind that "click" on and off – because there's no caps to lose!) to the high-tech, there are many ready-made solutions out there to keep you organized. As we mentioned in Rule #1, it's important to find tools that work FOR YOU.

Another example – did you know that if you use PayPal as your shopping cart, they're automatically tied in with the US Post Office and you can print your shipping labels right from the PayPal site? This has been a huge time-saver for me when shipping my Organized Writer CDs.

6. Work Forward

Organize for your work ahead; don't organize what's already finished. We're often tempted to organize our old bills, receipts and invoices. Sometimes we're afraid or hesitant to move forward until we've finished old stuff.

It's much more important to set-up the system and files for what's coming at you next. Look at what has been creating the biggest stress in your life and start by improving that area going forward. Then, when you have more of your future work under control, you can deal with the old paperwork (the old bills, receipts and invoices).

As you work on bringing these six rules into your life, you'll be amazed at how much more time and energy you have to pursue your writing and remember the number one rule – only use what works for YOU!

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