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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Fishing Management

Fisheries management is a challenge and an obligation to remember naturally Indonesia as an archipelago blessed with the potential of fisheries resources is sufficient. Management encompasses the biophysical components of ecosystem management and fisheries management activities.
Capture fisheries as a system that has an important role in providing food, employment, trade and welfare and recreation for most of Indonesia's population needs to be managed long-term oriented (sustainability management). Fishery management action is a mechanism to manage, control and maintain the condition of fish resources at a certain level desired. One of the key management is the status and trends of social aspects of economic and resource aspects. Data and information on the status and trends are collected on a regular basis (statistics) and non-routine (research) at the same time be used to validate and track the performance management policy.

Management may include the number and size of fish caught and the time of arrest. Several approaches are implemented including the closure of fishing areas or seasons, imposition of arrest quotas, restrictions on the number of boats and fishing equipment.
In general, options for management action are the rules of a technical nature, are controlling fishing effort, catch control nature, control and ecosystem based management approach to rights.Options and combinations of these options tailored to the conditions of fisheries and the interests of stakeholders.
Fishing Issues
Excessive utilization of limited resources, destructive fishing gear operation, conflict and inadequate regulatory system is a contributor in supporting the destruction of fisheries resources.
Fisheries management is currently not enough just to consider the target species or population that is sustainable, but the utilization of biological resources can be achieved if sustainable ecosystem impacts on biological resources and the impact of fisheries on ecosystems can be clearly identified. In other words, this is referred to as an ecosystem approach to fisheries management (EAF).
Control of fishing is still negligible, so in regions with a trend of flat or declining catches coupled with the catch per fisherman and fish size also decreased. This leads to excessive fishing which in turn is often a conflict between resource utilization.
One important element in fisheries management is data and information are correct. Liabilities filling the log-book and statistics have not given the real picture.
Management together through regional management as CSBT, IOTC and WCPFC is required along with the increasing arrests in highsea (area outside the EEZ).
Consumer awareness about food safety push for the special requirements and certification of fish and fish products. Another development is the tendency of certain countries in the region form a regional trade bloc. This needs to be addressed by stakeholders and facilitated by the Government.
Globalization is a fisheries development issues in line with economic order and world politics. On the other hand, autonomy and democratization is a problem in the country that focuses on regional fisheries development, community empowerment and the sources of economic growth.
Fishing Management
Control of fishing done by the rules of a technical nature, nature management efforts to capture (input control) and management of the catch (output control), and control of ecosystems.
Technical arrangements include setting fishing gear and restricting areas and fishing seasons. Restrictions on fishing gear over the specifications for the capture of certain species of fish or fish pass is not the purpose catch (selectivity of fishing gear) and the effects on ecosystems. In order to protect components imposed restrictions on local fish stocks and fishing season once established fisheries refugia and marine protected areas (MPAs) for fish species whose life is relatively settled.
Management of fishing effort is generally done by limiting the number and size of vessel (fishing capacity), the amount of time fished (vessel usage) or fishing effort (fishing effort). Control is easier and cheaper than the monitoring and enforcement of rules compared to control catches. But determining the amount of effort each unit arrests a constraint in using these control rules.
Management of the catch to limit the number of catches allowed for an area within a certain time (total allowable catches) and then became the restrictions on the amount of catch per unit of fishing.The catch is allowed on the basis of certain species in the fishery multispesies obstacles such as Indonesia. Control of fishing effort and catches called direct conservation measures and enforceable through permit requirements, reduction of fishing capacity and management of the catch. Control of the ecosystem or habitat modification undertaken with population control.
A new era of fisheries sector in the context of sustainable development is diadosinya Code of Conduct for Responsible fisheries (CCRF). Sustainable fisheries is not aimed solely at the economic sustainability of fisheries and fishing community but to the sustainability of which is supported by institutional sustainability. Here is required innovative management approaches and alternatives to achieve that goal.
In relation to capture fisheries, at least there are 5 important things as the implementation of the CCRF fisheries management, fishing operations, fishing activities that violate the law, unreported and unregulated (IUU), an ecosystem approach (EAF) and sustainability indicators. Fisheries management itself has 4 goals to be achieved namely biological targets (continuity of productivity), ecology (minimizing the impact on the environment), economic (income generation) and social (employment opportunities).
Especially with regard to fisheries management depends on the ability of the management system in controlling the fishing effort of biologically and economically without ignoring responsibilities to resources, environment, food safety, the crew of the ship, product quality and regional development.
Thus, several things need to ditingkatan accordance with the rules of sustainable fisheries as follows:
Limited-access paradigms must be improved; Implementation of the log-book of arrest should be coupled with regulations related to confidentiality; Improvement of fishery statistical systems; Improving the ability of international diplomacy; The preparation of fishery management plan implemented in every fishery management efforts; Stakeholder participation is required in the preparation of fishery management plans; Improving the effectiveness of fisheries justice; and Enhancing the role of the state ports (port state) and the state flag (flag state). Cover
The implementation of fisheries management should be coupled with the support of regulation, dissemination of rules and action management and MCS. Model management varies by region adjusted to the interests of stakeholders based on mutually agreed objectives. Of course all this needs the contribution of all stakeholders in a clear legal framework.

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