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Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Oceanographic consists of two words: oceanos which means sea and graphos which means the picture or description (Greek). In simple terms we can interpret as a picture or description oceanography of the sea. In other languages are more complete, oceanography can be defined as the study and exploration (exploration) of the sea and all the scientific phenomenon. Sea itself is part of the hydrosphere. As we know that the earth consists of solid part, called the lithosphere, the hydrosphere and the liquid is called the gas called the atmosphere. Meanwhile, the section relating to the ecological systems of all living beings of the planet Earth are grouped into the biosphere.
Before stepping on the further description, may be among you who asked: "What difference does it make oceanographic and oseanologi?" If we look at some existing encyclopedia, oceanography and oseanologi are two of the same thing (synonyms). However, from some other sources say that there are fundamental differences that distinguish between oceanography and oseanologi. Oseanologi consists of two words (in Greek) is oceanos (sea) and logos (science) which can simply be defined as the study of the sea. In a sense more complete, oseanologi is the scientific study of the sea by way of applying traditional knowledge sciences such as physics, chemistry, mathematics, etc. in all aspects of the sea. You can just choose, would agree with the first or second opinion.
In general, oceanography can be grouped into 4 (four) main disciplines namely: geological oceanographer who studies the ocean floor or the lithosphere beneath the sea; physical oceanographer who studies physical problems such as ocean currents, waves, tides and sea water temperature; chemical oceanographer who studies the problems of sea water chemistry and the last one who studies biological oceanography issues relating to flora and fauna in the sea.
Comprehensive study (comprehensive) on the sea began to do the first time with the Challenger expedition (1872-1876) led by a naturalist named CW Thomson (Scottish) and John Murray (Canadian citizen). Oceanographic term itself is used by them in the report, edited by Murray. Murray went on to become a leader in the study of marine sediments. The success of the Challenger expedition and the importance of marine science in the shipping / marine transportation, fishery, marine cables and the study of climate eventually led many countries to do the next expeditions.The first international oceanographic organization is The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (1901).
In Indonesia alone there are several research institutions and universities in the field of maritime affairs. One of the oldest marine research institutions in Indonesia is the National Oseanologi Institute, which is under the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (abbreviated to Lon-LIPI) which has now changed its name to the Center for Oceanographic Research. Forerunner of this research institute formerly known as Zoologish Museum te Buitenzorg en Laboratory, founded in 1905.
Reading materials:
* Http:// * OceanLink
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